NordForsk is an organisation under the Nordic Council of Ministers that provides funding for and facilitates Nordic cooperation on research and research infrastructure.


NordForsk is an organisation under the Nordic Council of Ministers that provides funding for and facilitates Nordic cooperation on research and research infrastructure. Nordic cooperation involves Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden as well as the three autonomous areas, the Faroe Islands, Greenland and the Åland Islands.

Since 2013, NordForsk has funded research within all research areas. The largest percentage of funding has gone to research within Medical and Health Sciences, most common in Project Grants. Natural and Social Sciences have been funded to a similar degree, especially within Nordic Centres of Excellence and Nordic University Hubs. NordForsk has in this period granted NOK 2 124 million to Nordic research cooperation through 49 calls. Out of the 1 358 unique applicants set as project leader, 323 have been granted funding.At least 2 640 researchers are involved as project leaders or participating researchers in funded Project Grants, Nordic Centres of Excellence and Nordic University Hubs. The Nordic budget for this call is approximately NOK 8.5 million. The maximum amount of Nordic funding that may be sought is NOK 3 million.

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Home · Partners · Publications · About the project · Contact. Contact. Professor Johan Fritzell (PI) 2019 ~ NorPEN was created in 2008 and was initially funded by NordForsk ~ An organisation under the Nordic Council of Ministers that provides funding  NordForsk genomför en utlysning om hållbar akvakultur omfattande cirka För utlysningstext, se: government officials, funding organisations and universities, among them the Nordic organisation NordForsk. Daniel is specialised towards research funding,  We proudly present and congratulate Johan Fritzell who will be PI for one of the five Nordic consortium that has been awarded funding from  Funded by NordForsk.

NordForsk is an organisation under the Nordic Council of Ministers that provides funding for and facilitates Nordic cooperation on research and research infrastructure. The NordForsk board is fully responsible for the operations of the organisation. Role of Rannis. Rannis provides information and facilitate participation of the Icelandic research

NordForsk awards funding to 12 new interdisciplinary research projects. The projects will create Nordic added value through a wide range of research topics, from narwhal tusks to smart textiles to historical perspectives on pandemics.

24 Apr 2017 Russian corporate giant Gazprom has announced that five European companies have pledged to provide long-term financing for the Nord 

Nordforsk funding

Activities must be concluded by December 2017. The funding will be granted for expenses related to Nordic-Russian research collaboration, e.g. joint studies; NordForsk announces funding through joint Nordic research programmes in all thematic areas. To be eligible for funding, activities must normally involve the participation of researchers from at least three Nordic countries or the autonomous areas (the Faroe Islands, Greenland and Åland).

Specific requirements for application vary between the calls.
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Nordforsk funding

NordForsk is an institution under the Nordic Council of Ministers that facilitates and provides funding for Nordic research NordForsk, Oslo, Norway.

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Funded by NordForsk. Managing institution: NTNU, Norway. MIUN's participation in the grant is anchored by RCR, with ECOHUM as an institutional partner.

Applications are made through NordForsk's web site. The aim of the Nordic Programme on Sustainable Urban Development and Smart Cities is to promote cooperation between the knowledge communities in the Nordic countries in order to enhance opportunities and address challenges relating to sustainable urban development NordForsk is an organisation under the Nordic Council of Ministers that provides funding for and facilitates Nordic cooperation on research and research infrastructure. The NordForsk board is fully responsible for the operations of the organisation. Role of Rannis.

Other Nordic Centres of Excellence funded under this initiative include: Resource The NordForsk-funded project Arctic Climate Predictions: Pathways to 

SUREAQUA is funded by NordForsk, and is one of three Nordic Centres of Excellence funded by NordForsk as part of the  12 Feb 2020 NordForsk is opening a call for proposals to fund research and innovation projects in the field of sustainable aquaculture.

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